History of The Bangladesh

Bangladesh has been aptly described as a new state in an ancient land. Much has been written about the past glory of Bangladesh, notably in old records like the evidence of Pliny and Periplus of the Erythrean Sea (first century AD). It was drawn in Ptolemy's map. These indicate that from the earliest times Bangladesh was known to the West, particularly for its Muslin, the finest fabric the world has ever produced. Travellers and scholars who were attracted by the charms and fame of Bangladesh since time immemorial had showered effusive epithets on its bounties and wealth, affluence and prosperity, craftsmanship and cultural advancement.

Geograph of Bangladesh

Bangladeshis are essentially simple in nature. Since time immemorial they are noted for their valour and resilience as well as hospitality and friendliness. Bangladeshis are also equally known for their creativity. They have an innate quality of open mindedness. Communal or ethnic feeling is alien to them and despite diverse racial mix from pre-historic days they are, by and large, a homogeneous group. Almost all the people speak and understand Bangla, a language which occupies an exalted position because of the richness of its literature. Generally speaking, fish, rice and lentils constitute the main diet of the masses, the vast majority of whom live in the country's villages. A cotton lungi and a jersey called kurta are the common attire for men in rural areas. The urban people have, however, largely adapted to western costume. Sari is women's universal dress, both in the cities and countryside.

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